The Undiscovered Country
So what does this have to do with psychic phenomena? Like ESP, memory allows us to experience events in other places and other times. Like ESP, these experiences occur entirely within our minds. And also like ESP, nobody knows how it works. Yet, we accept memory without question because remembering is something that nearly everyone can do. Those who cannot remember, are the exception. So a lot of research is being done trying to answer the question, Why don't they?
Many philosophical and scientific breakthroughs occur in the light of exceptions to an accepted point of view. For the longest time, the Earth was believed to be at the center of the universe. If myth and public opinion were not convincing enough, all you had to do was look up. The heavans could clearly be seen circling the Earth once a day. That is, except for five stars that didn't behave the way they were supposed to. Yet it was these five stars, planets actually, that completely undermined the foundations of what we believed the universe was, and our place in it. The universe had not changed. We did.
By today's standards, it seems foolish that Galileo was nearly executed for professing that these planets, along with the Earth, revolved around the Sun. History is littered with wasted lives that tried, in vain, to add a little bit of wisdom to the human experience.
I suppose it's only polite to finish my view on how memory works before I get into ESP. If you haven't guessed by now, I am alluding to the possibility that memory and ESP use exactly the same mechanism to operate. The mechanism is responsible for accessing the information, but not for storing it.
For many years, physicists have been telling us that in order for string theory to correctly describe the physical world, eight dimensions in addition to up/down, foreward/backward and right/left are needed. What they haven't told us is what that means. Some talk about parallel universes while others talk about tiny dimensions wrapped up very small so we can't see them.
Physics is in a rut. And the people who do research in it are also in that rut. The theories are correct. The data is valid. The experiments work. But nobody knows quite what it all means. All of us are descendents of our culture. We operate under an unspoken set of assumptions that support a biased frame of reference. As long as nobody looks "behind the curtain" the world will always make sense and we will feel safe. Some have begun to look, and question what it is they are looking at.
I am no one. This isn't my day job. I don't have to worry about getting grant money. I can be completely wrong and I'll still have the same life tomorrow that I had yesterday. People like me are very dangerous because someday, one of us will get it right, and the world of established science will have its ass handed to them. They are not fools. They're just stuck because science has become a business. Reputations, grant money, book deals and TV all play a role in how scientists think and what they are willing to do. I don't have that problem.